Life PR was founded by former journalist Jonny Stevens. Jonny has worked in communications for over 20 years, and before launching Life, he founded and grew a successful London PR agency.
Jonny has helped catapult brands including Uswitch, Spareroom, JustPark and Motorway into household name status.

Media relations is our heartland. We know what makes the news. And not only do we know how to craft a great story but also what the media want and how and when they want it.
With the tenacity of hounds, we secure press coverage, and bucket loads of it. At Life PR, we are unapologetically results-focused.
Using our news nous and copywriting prowess we plan and execute thought-leadership and data driven campaigns, as well as product and business launches and funding announcements.
Our clients are scattered all over the UK and span multiple sectors, including technology, financial services, motoring, business services, property, education and transport.
We wear other hats, too, offering content creation for companies looking to bolster their market strategies + copywriting services (white papers, newsletters, features and websites).
But our main love is media relations. Quite simply, we are the best you’ll find at securing media coverage!

Life PR works with startups, small businesses and health experts.
When it comes to getting news coverage smaller businesses have the edge on large ones.
SMEs have a fresh voice and are more agile. Hearing the same voices in the media is boring. SME leaders are often not scared to have opinions - and that makes for great quotes!
SMEs are faster to respond, and journalists on tight deadlines appreciate speed. This is why we’re able to get press coverage for smaller companies that have never been quoted by journalists before. That, and our ability to deliver a neat soundbite.
Now I’m sure you have some burning questions - so pop into our FAQs section, or drop a quick message on our Life Chat.